Dr Petros Golitsis
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Dr Petros Golitsis

Assistant Professor

Academic Position

Assistant Professor in Economics and Statistics, Business Administration and Economics Department; CITY College, University of York Europe Campus

Associate-Researcher, South-East European Research Centre

Academic Qualifications

• PhD in Economics, Department of Economics, University of Sheffield, UK
• MSc in Economics, School of Economics, Mathematics and Statistics, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
• FHEA, Fellow of Higher Education Academy
• CiLT, Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching, Department of Education, University of Sheffield, UK
• BSc in Economics (Ptychion), University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece

Office Hours
Tuesday: 19:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 10:30 - 11:30
(Spring Semester, Academic year: 2023-2024)



Telephone 2310 514 771 (ext.135)
Email pgolitsis@york.citycollege.eu
Skype petros.golitsis
Twitter Petros Golitsis
Linkedin Dr. Petros Golitsis
Facebook Petros Golitsis
Personal Website https://about.me/golitsis

Dr. Golitsis (b. 1978 in Thessaloniki, Greece) is an Assistant Professor in Economics, Econometrics and Statistics at the CITY College, University of York Europe Campus, a South-East European Research Centre Research Associate (participating at BORDEUR-Jean Monnet Network/MORE, projects co-funded by European Commission), and a Fellow of Higher Education Academy. He has participated as a presenter and as a discussant on international conferences including the Applied Macro & Empirical Finance Conference (2016), the International Association for Applied Econometrics (2015), the 10th International Conference International Business (2019), the 2023 SME World Forum, ICSB, etc. He serves as an ad hoc reviewer for multiple journals, including the Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Applied Economics, Applied Economics LettersFinancial Innovation, and the Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies. He is also an Honorary Lecturer at the Management School of the University of Sheffield, and an Associate Member of the Centre for Applied Finance and Economics at the Birmingham City University.

He delivers economic and monetary-financial related modules both at undergraduate and postgraduate level (MSc) in Thessaloniki (Greece) and in Sofia (Bulgaria; in collaboration with NBU), and at a postgraduate level (executive MBA) in various locations including Baku, Belgrade, Bucharest, Kyiv, Tbilisi, Thessaloniki and Yerevan (on a dual degree programme delivered by the University of York and the University of Strasbourg). Prior to that, he has delivered modules in Sofia (in collaboration with VUZF), in Tirana (in collaboration with the American University of Tirana), at the London School of Economics, University of London, external program, at the University of Central Lancashire, and at the University of Sheffield.




Research Methods for Finance (MSc in Finance and Risk Management)

Econometrics for Finance (MSc in Finance and Risk Management)

Applied Risk Management (MBA)

Business Economics (MBA)

Introduction to Econometrics (BA in Business Studies)

Business Statistics (BA in Business Studies)


Research Interests

Monetary policy and monetary policy transmission channels; Financial Spillovers and Macroprudential Policies; Trade Openness; Exchange rates; Optimum Currency Areas; Foreign Inflows.    


Emmanouilidis, K. , Golitsis, P. and Khudoykulov, K. (2024). On the Determinants of the Fiscal Policy Response to COVID-19: Evidence from Robust Estimation and Country Outlier Detection. Theoretical Economics Letters, 14(2), 679-688. https://doi.org/10.4236/tel.2024.142035
Yovchev, R., Golitsis, P., & Khudoykulov, K. (2024). Determinants of GDP Growth and Debt-to-GDP: A Comparative Study of Finland and Greece after Joining the European Monetary Union, Journal of East-West Business. 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/10669868.2024.2338139

Radev, L.., Golitsis, P., & Mitreva, M. (2023). Economic and Financial Determinants of Gold ETF Price Volatility on the U.S. Futures Market (COMEX), Journal of Economics, 8(2), 12-26. https://www.doi.org/10.46763/JOE

Bellos, S.K., & Golitsis, P. (2023). The Nexus Between Financial and Investment Developments and State Capacity. The Case of G-20. Journal of Government and Economics, 100081. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jge.2023.100081

Bantimaroudi, P., Golitsis, P., Mitreva, M. (2023). An empirical study of the relationship between Foreign Direct Investments, Remittances, Political Stability and Economic Growth in Greece, Journal of Economics, 8(1), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.46763/JOE238101b

Golitsis, P.,  Khudoykulov, K. & Palanov, S. (2022). Determinants of non-performing loans in North Macedonia, Cogent Business & Management, 9:1. http://10.1080/23311975.2022.2140488

Golitsis, P., Gkasis, P., & Bellos, S. K. (2022). Dynamic spillovers and linkages between gold, crude oil, S&P 500, and other economic and financial variables. Evidence from the USA. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 63, 101785. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.najef.2022.101785

Mitsas, S., Golitsis, P., & Khudoykulov, K. (2022). Investigating the impact of geopolitical risks on the commodity futures, Cogent Economics & Finance10(1). doi10.1080/23322039.2022.2049477

Golitsis, P., & Prodromidou, A. (2022). ‘Mapping migration and integration tendencies in Greece and their impact on bordering practices’, in Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana and Kosevaliska, Olga, eds. Deconstructing realities and framing policies in the New European Borderlands. University Goce Delcev - Stip, Stip, pp. 23-42.[ISBN 978 - 608 - 244 - 978 – 4]. 

Prodromidou, A., & Golitsis, P. (2022). United in bordering, divided in solidarity:(re) bordering practices in and à la carte/flexible solidarity towards Greece in the post-2014 migration management. bordEUr, 56.

Demiralay, S., & Golitsis, P. (2021). On the dynamic equicorrelations in cryptocurrency market, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 80, pp. 524-533. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.qref.2021.04.002

Golitsis, P., Bellos, S., Fassas, A.P., & Demiralay, S. (2021). The Spillover Effect of Euribor on Southeastern European Economies: A Global VAR Approach. Journal of East-West Business, 27(1), 57-91. https://doi.org/10.1080/10669868.2020.1826383

Golitsis, P., Bellos, S., & Alexandridis, A. (2021). Is EMU good for the Southeastern European Economies? A G-VAR model. International Conference on International Business (ICIB)/ICIB 2019/20, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23rd to 26th May 2019, Bitzenis, A., Kontakos, P. (Eds), pp. 62-84.

Golitsis, P., Bellos, S., & Alexandridis, A. (2020). The EMU REER spillovers on Southeastern European Economies. A G-VAR model, Applied Economics Quarterly. 66(4), 259-290. https://doi.org/10.3790/aeq.66.4.259

Golitsis, P., Fassas, A.P., & Lyutakova, A. (2019). Credit Risk Determinants: Evidence from the Bulgarian Banking System. Bulletin of Applied Economics, 6(1). 41-64. https://ssrn.com/abstract=3518366

Golitsis, P., Avdiu, K., & Szamosi, L.T. (2018). Remittances and FDI Effects on Economic Growth: A VECM and GIRFs for the case of Albania. Journal of East-West Business, 24(3), 188-211[Online]. https://doi.org/10.1080/10669868.2018.1435432

Gkolitsis, P. (2018). Interactions of Monetary Policies in South East Europe Countries in a European Monetary Union Context. A G-VAR Model. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK. [Online]. Available from White Rose: http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/21736

Golitsis, P. (2017). ‘Interactions of Monetary Policies in SEEC in an EMU Context. A G-VAR Model: Focusing on the Bulgarian case’in K. Dimopoulos, P. Gkasis, E. Kalyva, T. Lagkas, Z. Tatsioka (ed.) Proceedings of the 11th Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference Infusing Research and Knowledge in South-East Europe, Thessaloniki: SEERC Books, pp. 13-63 [ISBN 978-960-9416-18-4].

Golitsis, P. (2015).‘Interactions of Monetary Policies in SEEC in an EMU context. A Global-VAR model. An overview’in M. Ntika, E. Kalyva, A. Karamanos, T. Lagkas, P. Patsala, A. Prodromidou, Z. Tatsioka (ed.) Proceedings of the 10th Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference. Infusing Research and Knowledge in South-East Europe, Thessaloniki: SEERC Books, pp. 263-288 [ISBN 978-960-9416-08-5].






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