Dr Sotirios Bellos
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Dr Sotirios Bellos

Associate Professor

Academic Position

Associate Professor

Academic Qualifications

University of Macedonia, Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, Thessaloniki, UK.
Post – Doctorate “IMF programs and policies assessment in the transition economies during the transition and the post-transition period”

University of Bath, Department of Economics and International Development, Bath, UK.
PhD in Economics and International Development -“Institutional, Economic and Regional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investments in the Balkan, Central European and Ex-Soviet Transition Economies”

University of Macedonia, Department of Business Administration, Thessaloniki, Greece. Master in Business Administration

University of Leeds, Department of Fuel and Energy, Leeds, UK
MSc in Energy Studies

University of Macedonia, Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Diploma in Balkan Studies (Economics)

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Polytechnic School, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Email sbellos@york.citycollege.eu
Linkedin https://gr.linkedin.com/in/dr-bellos-sotirios-7331a988
Personal Website

Sotirios K. Bellos received his PhD in Economics from the University of Bath. His research work has appeared in the Bulletin of Economic Research, the International Review of Applied Economics and other international journals in the field of economics and finance. His employment record contains 4 years in Industry and 24 years in the Banking sector, where he has worked as an SME and Corporate Credit Analyst and currently as Relationshipp Manager in major Greek Banking Institutions.


Business Economics (Executive MBA)

Commercial and Investment Banking (M.Sc. in Banking and Finance)

Corporate Finance and Valuations (M.Sc. in Banking and Finance)

Bank Regulation and Financial Stability (M.Sc in Banking and Finance)

Contemporary Issues in Shipping and Port Management (M.Sc in Shipping, Port Management and Logistics)

Money and Banking (B.Sc FINENG)

Research Interests

  • Foreign Direct Investments and their Determinants
  • Assessment of IMF policies
  • Institutional Economics
  • Defense Economics
  • Financial Macroeconomics
  • Banking and Macroeconomics
  • International Political Economy




  • Kladakis, G., Bellos, S.K. and Skouralis, A. (2023), "Societal trust and bank opacity", Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, https://doi.org/10.1108/JFRC-05-2023-0073
  • Bellos, S. K., & Golitsis, P. (2023). The Nexus between Financial and Investment developments and State Capacity. The case of G-20. Journal of Government and Economics, 11, 100081.
  • Kladakis, G., Chen, L; & S. Bellos, (2023), “2022 CCPF- JIFMIM Special Theme on “Sustainable Finance” Ethical bank disclosures and liquidity creation”, Journal of Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intfin.2023.101754
  • Golitsis, P., Gkassis, P, & S. K. Bellos, (2022), "Dynamic Spiilovers and linkages between gold, crude oil, S&P 500, and other economic and financial variables. Evidence from USA", The North American Journal of Economics and Finance. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.najef.2022.101785
  • Kladakis, G., Chen, L; & S. Bellos, (2022), "Wholesale Funding and Liquidity Creation", Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11156-022-01081-9
  • Kladakis, G., Chen, L; & S. Bellos, (2022), "Bank Regulation, Supervision and  Liquidity Creation", Journal of International Money and Finance, 124(2):102629, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jimonfin.2022.102629
  • Kladakis, G., Chen, L; & S. Bellos, (2021), "Multiple credit ratings and liquidity creation", Finance Research Letters, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.frl.2021.102313
  • Fassas, A., Bellos, S.& G. Kladakis, (2021), "Corporate liquidity, supply chain and cost issues awareness within the Covid-19 context: evidence from us management reportstextual analysis", Corporate Governance, International Journal of Business in Society, https://doi.org/10.1108/CG-09-2020-0399
  • Kladakis, G., Chen, L., & S., Bellos, (2020), “Bank Asset and Informational Quality”, Journal of International Financial Markets, 69, 101256, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intfin.2020.101256
  • Golitsis, P., Bellos, S., Fassas, A., & S., Demiralay, (2020), “The Spillover Effect of Euribor on Southeastern European Economies: A Global VAR Approach”, Journal of East-West Business, https://doi.org/10.1080/10669868.2020.1826383
  • Bellos, S., (2019), “Military expenditure, economic growth and development in transition economies: A panel VAR GMM approach”, Applied Economics Quarterly, 65(3), 139-187
  • Bellos, S., (2019), “Natural Resources, Energy Dependency and their association with Institutional and Growth – related variables in the Black Sea and Southeast European region”, Applied Economics Quarterly, 65 (1), pp 1-43
  • Kuzman, T., Bellos, S., & K., Djulic, (2018), “Determinants of innovation-based sustainability in transition and developing economies”, Ekonomske Teme ISSN 0353-8648
  • Kuzman, T., Talavera, O., & S., K., Bellos (2018), “Politically Induced Board Turnover, Ownership Arrangements and Performance of SOEs”, Corporate Governance – An International Revue, 26, pp 160-179, https://doi.org/10.1111/corg.12238
  • Bellos, S, (2018), "The European Financial Crisis and Germany. The Geopolitical implications through the prism of Halford Mackinder’s theory", Foreign Affairs - The Hellenic Edition, February - March Edition
  • Bellos, S, (2017), “The Relationship between Military Expenditure and Certain Growth and Development Related Variables in Transition Economies: A Panel Data Analysis”, Applied Economics and Finance, 4(5), https://doi.org/10.11114/aef.v4i5.2517
  • Bellos, S., (2016), “IMF programs and policies assessment in the transition economies during the transition and the post-transition period”, Journal of Heterodox Economies, 3(2)
  • Makedonas, El., Bellos, S. & T. Subasat, (2015), “IMF Lending and Poverty in Developing countries”, Journal of Heterodox Economics, doi:10.1515/jheec-2015-0015
  • Subasat, T., & S. Bellos, (2013), ‘Corruption and Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America: A Panel Gravity Model Approach’, Journal of Management and Sustainability, 3(4), pp 151-156
  • Bellos, S., & T. Subasat, (2013), “Governance and Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America: A Panel Gravity Model Approach”, Latin American Journal of Economics, Vol. 50, No 1, pp 107-131
  • Bellos, S., & T. Subasat, (2012), “Corruption and Foreign Direct Investment: A Panel Gravity Model Approach”, Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 64, No 4, pp 565-574
  • Bellos, S., & T. Subasat, (2012), “Governance and Foreign Direct Investment: A Panel Gravity Model Approach”, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 26, No 3, pp 303-328
  • Subasat, T., & S. Bellos, (2011), ‘Economic Freedom and Foreign Direct Investment: A Panel Gravity Model Approach”, Empirical Economics Letters, Vol. 10, No 7, pp 697-704
  • Subasat, T., & S. Bellos, (2011) 'Economic Freedom and Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America: A Panel Gravity Model Approach', Economics Bulletin, Vol. 31 no.3 pp. 2053-2065


Chapters in Books

Bellos, S. (2024). A Review of Sustainable Development's Political Critiques. In G. Meramveliotakis and M. Manioudis, Sustainable Economic Development: Political Economy & Economics Pluralism, Routledge, London and New York (forthcoming in 2024).

S. Bellos, (2013). FDI Determinants in Transition Countries. The Role and the Impact of Transition Speed. In: George Papanikos, Essays on Growth, Development and Finance, Athens: Atiner, pp: 127-143



2021                 10th International Conference Financial Engineering and Banking  Society (FEBS), Financial Stability and Sustainability, Université de Lille, Bank Regulation, Supervision and Liquidity Creation (with George Kladakis and Lei Chen)

2019                 International Conference on International Business (ICIB) / ICIB 2019/20, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23rd to 26th May 2019, Golitsis, P., Bellos, S.K., and Alexandridis, A. (2021). Is EMU good for the Southeastern European Economies? A G-VAR model.

2018                 17th Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association Conference – Athens December 2018. Paper Presentation: Bank Capital and Liquidity Creation

2016                    6th IMAEF – International Meeting on Economics and Finance – Corfu June 2016. Paper presentation: The Impact of EU and Common Currency Area accession on the EU members Terms of Trade. A Panel Data Analysis

2016                 2nd International Conference in Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance, University of Macedonia, 6-7th May 2016 – Ownership Arrangement and financial performance: The Case of State-Owned enterprises in former Yugoslavian countries

2015                 White Rose Business and Management, Accounting and Finance and Work Psychology Pathway Annual Conference 2015, University of Sheffield, 11-12th June 2015. Paper: Innovation based Sustainability of State-Owned Enterprises: Do Corruption and State Share create an impact?

2014                13th EEFS – European Economic and Financial Society – Thessaloniki June 2014. Paper Presentation: The Relation between Military Expenditure and Certain Aspects of Economic Performance and Governance in the Transition Economies – A Panel Data Analysis

2013                12th EEFS - European Economic and Financial Society – Berlin June 2013. Paper:  IMF programs and policies assessment in the transition economies during the transition and the post-transition period.

2010                  5th Annual International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Implications, 26-29 July 2010, Athens. FDI Determinants in Transition Countries. The Role and the Impact of Transition Speed.



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