Clinical Psychology Webinar: 'Behavioural activation for depression'
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Clinical Psychology Webinar: 'Behavioural activation for depression'


Clinical Psychology Webinar: Behavioural activation for depression

"Behavioural Activation for Depression"

Thursday, 2 June 2022
18.00 EEST



Dr Lina Gega
Professor of Mental Health, University of York

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This talk will introduce you to the key principles and strategies of behavioural activation (BA), along with its evidence base as a brief psychological therapy for depression.

Persistently low mood or irritability, loss of interest or pleasure in day-to-day life, lack of energy and motivation, avoidance and withdrawal are some common symptoms of depression. BA is based on the key principle that enjoyable, purposeful and rewarding activities can lift our mood, energise us, reconnect us with people and things that matter, and stimulate our interest and pleasure in day-to-day life, thereby combating depression.

In this talk, we will start by looking at the nature of depression and the relationship between depression (how we feel) and activity (what we do - or avoid doing – in response to how we feel). We will understand how BA works and how it can be applied, with the help of fictional case examples that reflect typical experiences of depression. Finally, we will get an insight into the evidence about the clinical and cost-effectiveness of BA through published trials and reviews.

The University of York, whose Europe Campus is CITY College, is a renowned institution in the study and application of BA, having carried out some of the seminal research and largest trials in the field. Join us and discover how behavioural activation can transform our efforts to combat depression.

An extra learning resource for Behavioural Activation (BA)
As a complementary resource to this talk, you can access a free online course, developed by the University of York, as an introduction to BA.

Dr Lina Gega, Professor of Mental Health, University of York

Dr Lina Gega - short bio:

Dr Lina Gega is a Professor of Mental Health at the University of York, in a joint appointment with Hull York Medical School and the Department of Health Sciences. She holds an honorary clinical appointment as Nurse Consultant in Psychological Therapies at Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Trust. As a senior member of the Mental Health and Addiction Research Group, she leads two research themes: Digital Mental Health and Child and Adolescent Mental Health. In her role as Chair of the Postgraduate Programmes Board at Hull York Medical School, she oversees the progression of masters and doctorate students and the quality of taught and research programmes across the two host Universities.



Learn more about the Master!

MSc in Clinical Psychology

The event will take place in the frame of the MSc in Clinical Psychology programme offered by CITY College, University of York Europe Campus in Thessaloniki, Greece. Event participants will have the opportunity to attend a brief presentation of the programme by Dr Suzie Savvidou, Head of the Psychology Department of CITY College.



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