Open MBA Seminar in Bucharest: "Managing and Engaging Remote Workers"
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Open MBA Seminar in Bucharest: "Managing and Engaging Remote Workers"

Open MBA Seminar in Bucharest - CITY College

"Managing and Engaging Remote Workers"

Wednesday, 22 September 2021
Hilton Hotel, Regina Maria Hall, Bucharest

Prof. Leslie Szamosi
Director, Pan-European Executive MBA
CITY College, University of York Europe Campus

Seminar Overview:
The ongoing pandemic has radically altered the way that we manage and engage with workers. We had basically ‘figured out’ how to manage people in a face-to-face work environment but now we are being 'faced' with managing and engaging workers in a remote workspace!  On top of this we are likely going to be facing a hybrid model of both face-to-face and remote work which may lead itself to yet another view on managing and engaging employees.
In this seminar/workshop we will look at managing and engaging remote employees and what we need to do to adapt from what we already do into this brave new world of work.

This seminar is addressed to middle and top management executives.

Meet the Director:
In the frame of the Open MBA Seminar, Prof. Leslie Szamosi will hold a short presentation of  the Pan-European Executive MBA programme, a prestigious MBA programme that leads to two MBA degrees awarded by the University of York, UK and the University of Strasbourg, France. After the presentation, participants will have the opportunity to meet the Director of the programme.

The Pan-European Executive MBA will be launched in Bucharest in November 2021 by CITY College, University of York Europe Campus.

Prof. Leslie Szamosi presents the Pan-European Executive MBA


There will be limited number of places. To book your place please contact in advance our Country Manager in Bucharest, Ms. Alina Toader at 021 315 27 23 or at or click on the registration form button below.

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