Career Days Online 2021
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Career Days Online 2021

  • A successful online career event, 18 companies and organisations participating in Career Days 2021.

  • A unique bridge between our students and graduates with the industry. Opportunities for internships or full-time jobs.

  • Particularly positive feedback on our students’ professionalism, level of knowledge by recruiters

  • Testimonials: What company representative and students said

Because of the persisting Covid-19 pandemic crisis, Career Days adjusted to the new reality and remained online for a second time, moving from its traditional offline status. Companies from Greece and from abroad - and students responded positively and joined the event that has been serving for years as a bridge, bringing together students and alumni with company representatives and recruiters from a variety of industry sectors.

Aspiring to shape their future, our bachelors and masters students had the opportunity to be interviewed online, showcase themselves to potential employers, explore industries, connect personally with company representatives, and talk to recruiters from many different industry sectors and countries.

Company representatives interviewed students and graduates to be selected for full time or internship positions, collected CVs for future openings, while at the same time helped them gain deeper insight into the process of getting a job. Company representatives gave particularly positive feedback on our students’ professionalism and level of their knowledge and readiness for the job market.

Career Days is often the jumpstart of a successful career for many of our students and graduates. The event is annually organised by the Career, Employability and Enterprise Centre of CITY College.

CITY College would like to warmly thank all companies and organisations that participated in Career Days 2021 online:

CITY College Career Days 2021

List of participating companies in alphabetical order:

Coca Cola HBC
Deloitte Greece
IOM International
IOM Greece
ISON Foreign Language Centers
Job Trust
ProCredit Bank
Sani / Ikos Resorts


Testimonials: What company representatives and students said

"Thank you for your email and the opportunity I had to participate in your Online Career Days. It was a great experience e-meeting your students & alumni & discussing their future aspirations." Coca Cola HBC (Greece)


"It was our pleasure to take part in this years’ event and talk to some of the rising talents studying at your University. Hopefully the conversation we had during the event will assist them in determining a clear career path and realize their professional and personal growth ambitions in the upcoming period."  Halkbank ( North Macedonia)


"We would like to thank you again for the Career Days Online 2021 invitation. We really enjoyed the interaction with the students of the University of York Europe Campus, CITY College, during the interviews and we are open for future collaborations" ATC (Greece)


"It has been a pleasure to my four recruitment colleagues and myself  to meet with your students the past 2 days and discuss about IOM, their career aspirations and interests." IOM (International and Greece)


"Thank you for the opportunity to meet with real professionals. I appreciate the efforts and the support I have received from the Career Centre." Master's Student


"Thank you very much for organizing my interviews. I really appreciate your support." CITY College Alumni


"The Career Days Online event helps students expand their networking and explore possible career opportunities. I am very happy to have participated and will do so again next year." Bachelor's student


"Dear sir, thank you for organizing the e meetings with the companies I was interested in. I would like to inform you that since my initial interview I have also taken a written exam and passed to a second stage interview with one of the companies I interviewed with."  Bachelor's student


"I was very satisfied with the Career Days that took place. The planning was very thorough and the companies and NGOs that took part were of great interest to me. I think that students tend to forget that these are not just 15 minute interviews. I saw them as opportunities - opportunities for networking and connecting. I have emails from many of the organizations and am looking forward to following up with them."  Bachelor's student


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