English Studies Seminar: Public Speaking
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English Studies Seminar: Public Speaking

We all dread speaking in public. And in some cases, if we’re “lucky” we might actually avoid having to speak in public. What happens though, when speaking and presenting is part of a piece of coursework, or takes place in the context of a conference or is required of us in our profession? The English Studies Department sought to provide its students and the general public with even more tips and techniques through its Personal and Professional Seminar series. ELT Consultant of Express Publishing, Mr Iraklis Velissaridis, provides some vital points, tips and techniques that can prove useful in most contexts with his seminar that took place Tuesday, 26th March, titled: “Public Speaking”.

Seminar on Public Speaking by Mr Iraklis Velissaridis, at CITY College International Faculty of the University of Sheffield

Mr. Iraklis Velisaridis delivered an engaging, humorous and informative presentation on the usefulness of and the necessity of public speaking. We undertake opportunities of public speaking to communicate, persuade and/or present. As Mr. Velissaridis points out, it is necessary to always remember why we are speaking or presenting as the purpose will certainly assist in managing both the content and the mode of delivery.

Public speaking contains a set of skills that can be applicable across a range of contexts such as: professional meetings, teaching/learning environments, public relations, seminars/conferences and even family gatherings. Imagine how being more public speaker savvy could enable one to give a memorable toast at a family gathering, conference dinner or even at an awards ceremony should one be called upon to do so.

Speaking in public though is considered to be one of the top-most fears people have. “I’d rather die, than speak in public” is a phrase often heard. The truth is that we never get over the fear or anxiety 100% but we do find ways to manage and deal with it more effectively and successfully. Preparation is key as is rehearsing. Mr. Velissaridis advises towards knowing our audience, being capable of adapting and adjusting our style, being engaging/lively and having fun – enjoying ourselves – in the process.

Mr Velissaridis provided an array of examples of public speaking, ranging from very young children – others shy, others sassy – to individuals ranging in fields and contexts such as Steve Jobs, Al Gore and Margaret Thatcher. Mr Velissaridis even included two clips of an individual to exemplify the Do’s and Don’ts: in the first instance the speaker delivered a presentation that complies with all the Don’ts while in the video that followed the speaker adopts all the Do’s resulting in a highly more engaging and successful presentation.

All in all, though we strive to become competent speakers and simply get over the fear of public speaking, what we should perhaps consider instead is becoming memorable speakers. To achieve this, in addition to knowing the topic/subject, being tech-lit and tech-savvy, we also need to work on our delivery skills, voice and body language. We need to observe others who are good at presenting and we need to practice at becoming better at if through preparation, rehearsal and feedback if we want to not simply overcome the fear but more importantly become effective and memorable public speakers.


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