Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2018 in Thessaloniki
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2018 in Thessaloniki

During 14-21 April 2018 we welcomed at our main campus in Thessaloniki all our 2nd year Executive MBA students from the six cities (Thessaloniki, Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia, Kyiv, Yerevan) who participated in this year’s amazing MBA Study Week. As always, the study week comprised classes, seminars, lots of networking, guest lectures, free time and exciting outings.

Sheffield Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2018 in Thessaloniki - Boat cruise in Thermaikos Gulf


Specialised Units

The study week kicked off with students attending the first track units of the MBA specialization they have chosen and gaining insights in the one of the six (6) specialized areas of the MBA (i.e. General Management, Marketing, Finance, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Healthcare Management, Human Resources Management).

Sheffield Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2018 in Thessaloniki


10th International Strategic People Management Workshop

The 10th International Strategic People Management Workshop took place within the MBA Annual Study Week in Thessaloniki. On 18 April 2018 the Laboratory for Strategic People Management successfully organized the Workshop entitled 'Promoting Sustainable Performance through People’. Prior to the workshop students undertook an analysis of their current company and were presented with a diagnostic of their company which then formed the basis for the workshop run by Dr. Szamosi and Dr. Gkikas. This is part of an ongoing series of activities related to SMEs and people management in the region.

Sheffield Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2018 in Thessaloniki


Risk Management Workshop

‘Risk Management: A way to avoid Crisis Management and Management of Losses’ was the title of the workshop led by Mr Athanasios Fourtounas, Economist and Director of Logistics in JLSG NATO (Italy), on 17th of April 2018 within the frame of the MBA Annual Study Week. Read more…

Risk Management Workshop at the Sheffield MBA Study Week in Thessaloniki


Insightful Guest Lectures

During the study week a series of company guest lectures took place giving MBA students the opportunity to get insights from different industry sectors. More specifically the quest lectures that tool place were the following:

  • David Schlager - CEO of Family Heath Associates, USA who presented a real case study in Healthcare industry.
  • Yummy Wallet – Mr George Papazidis
    Presentation on a royalty scheme ‘pay through your mobile phone’
  • Gozone - Mr Simos Nalmpantoglou
    Presentation of an app for water sports like windsurf
  • grek.addict - Mrs Theodoridou
    Presentation of a platform for experiences for visitors in Greece
  • movvin - Dr. Nikos Zikos
    Presentation of a platform that facilitates flexible traveling
  • Turnand - Mr Moissidis Stavros
    Presentation of a  smartphone case that transforms a mobile phone into a gaming console
  • Epiculiar - Mr Buster Hans
    Guest lecture on food and culture tours, sailing tours, evening tours in Thessaloniki, Athens etc.
  • metabio - Mr Katsaounis Panagiotis
    Presentation of a platform that helps to record, share and compare health related data
  • Dark Pony - Mr Elpidis Giannis
    Mr Elpidis delivered two seminars on "Building Powerful Brands Online" & "Latest trends in digital and mobile marketing”
  • Thesan Ventures (Consulting, Investment and Business Development firm) CEO, Mr Kouratis Konstantinos, offered his insight on “Sources of Finances”. He was also a member of the judge panel at the MBA student pitch session.

Sheffield Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2018 in Thessaloniki

Sheffield Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2018 in Thessaloniki


Boat cruise in Thermaikos Gulf

The Annual Study Week is scheduled to combines work and pleasure. The scheduled boat trip in Thermaikos Gulf was a pleasant escape from classes for our MBA students. Our students enjoyed the beautiful city view of Thessaloniki while sailing. They had the opportunity to admire the city and the warm weather from a different angle along with a pint of beer or a glass of wine.

Sheffield Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2018 in Thessaloniki - Boat cruise in Thermaikos Gulf


Once again the MBA Study Week in Thessaloniki was a true networking and learning opportunity for our students from Thessaloniki, Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia, Kyiv and  Yerevan, who spent a full week together, exchanged best practices, participated in interesting activities, experienced the programme’s  holistic approach and had lots of fun while enjoying the charming city of Thessaloniki.



To view more photos from the event please see the link below:

Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2018 in Thessaloniki photo gallery



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