Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2017 in Thessaloniki
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2017 in Thessaloniki

All our 2nd year Executive MBA students from Thessaloniki, Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia and Kyiv met in Thessaloniki to participate in the Annual Study Week 2017 that took place between 1-8 April 2017. Traditionally the study week is comprised with classes, seminars, company visit activities, networking, free time and exciting outings.

Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2017 in Thessaloniki

Specialised Units

The study week kicked off with students attending the first track units of the MBA specialization they have chosen and gaining insights in the one of the six (6) specialized areas of the MBA (i.e. General Management, Marketing, Finance, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Healthcare Management, Human Resources Management).

Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2017 in Thessaloniki

Big Data & Business Analytics

In the context of the study week all executive MBA students had the opportunity to attend an interesting seminar on ‘Big Data & Business Analytics’ by Dr Zenon Michaelides, Lecturer and unit leader at our MBA programme.

Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2017 in Thessaloniki

Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2017 in Thessaloniki

9th International Strategic People Management Workshop

This year the 9th International Strategic People Management Workshop took place within the MBA Annual Study Week in Thessaloniki.

On 5 April 2017 the Laboratory for Strategic People Management successfully organised the Workshop entitled ‘The Shifting Sands of People Management: Worker Migration Into and Inside Europe’ which hosted presentations by Dr Leslie Szamosi, Academic Director of the Executive MBA, Professor Alexandros Psychogios, Dr Pavlos Gassis and Dr Diamantidis lecturers at our Executive MBA. The event was endorsed by Executive Development Institute (EDI) and was well attended by our students.

Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2017 in Thessaloniki

Insightful Guest Lectures

During the study week a series of company guest lectures took place giving MBA students the opportunity to get insight from different industry sectors.

Dr Alexander Green Harvard University professor gave a lecture on “Cross Cultural Competency in Healthcare Delivery” to our MBA in Healthcare Management students.

Also Professor George Miaoulis visited from USA to deliver lectures for the Healthcare specialisation units along with Dr Janet Harris and Dr Andrew Lee lecturers from School of Health and Related Research (UoS).

Mr Titos Simitzis, Managing Director of one of the leading Marketing Research companies in Athens Greece was guest speaker on the Strategic Brand Management unit of the Marketing specialization. He presented all new developments in the field and a number of case studies regarding global and local brands.

Professor Andrew Fearn, well-known professor of Global Logistics provided students with his cutting edge knowledge stemming from his long research and consultancy experience in the area of Global Logistics.

On Saturday, 1 April, representatives from the Greek company ‘tuvunu’, trading Greek mountain tea, presented the company, its philosophy and success story.

On the next day the company presentations continued with our alumna Ms Argyro Barata, FEAST Co-Founder, who gave a presentation on Crowd funding and representatives from Elektronio, who presented the case of handmade custom bicycles.

On Friday, 7 April our alumnus, Mr. Dimitrios Kourtesis presented his successful start-up, Goodvidio, while Mr. Dimitris Stratakis presensetd Wellaby’s in Greece, a joint venture with his brother and CITY College alumnus, Alexandros Stratakis.

Finally, Mr Baybars Altuntas, Chair of the World Business Angels Investment Forum held a guest speech and talked to our MBA students about his professional experience and successes and gave valuable advice to our MBA students on how to get Start Up and Scale Up funding.

Boat cruise in Thermaikos Gulf

The Annual Study Week always combines work and pleasure. The scheduled boat trip in Thermaikos Gulf was a pleasant escape from classes for our MBA students. Our students enjoyed the beautiful city view of sunny Thessaloniki while sailing. They had the opportunity to admire the city and the warm weather from a different angle along with a pint of beer or a glass of wine.

Executive MBA Annual Study Week 2017 in Thessaloniki

Other Activities

Many of our MBA students visited during their stay interesting and important archeological, cultural and tourist places like Meteora, Vergina, Halkidiki, museums in Thessaloniki, etc.

Once again the MBA Study Week in Thessaloniki was a true networking and learning opportunity for our students from Thessaloniki, Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia and Kyiv who spent a full week together, exchanged ideas and practices, participated in interesting activities, saw in practice the programme’s programme’s holistic approach and had lots of fun while enjoyed the charming city of Thessaloniki.


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