Professional Seminar entitled "How to Achieve Excellence in the Foreign Language Classroom" in Skopje
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Professional Seminar entitled "How to Achieve Excellence in the Foreign Language Classroom" in Skopje

The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College, in cooperation with the English Teachers Association, ELTAM, delivered an open seminar to foreign language teachers on the topic: “How to Achieve Excellence in the Foreign Language Classroom”.

The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College, in cooperation with the English Teachers Association, ELTAM, delivered an open seminar to foreign language teachers

Dr. Paschalia Patsala, Director of the English Language Department from the University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College presented a number of applied information and useful advices aimed at foreign language teachers from the country. Dr. Patsala, discussed various topics that are of great interest to the language teachers today such as classroom management, methods of teaching and learning in the classroom of foreign languages, improving the autonomy of students and paving the road to employment: from homework to real work.

Dr. Paschalia Patsala, Director of the English Language Department from the University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College

This open seminar gave the opportunity to Dr Patsala to share her expertise with the foreign language teachers from the country, with the goal to help increasing active engagement and improving the performance of students. During the professional seminar, Dr. Patsala discussed the usage of possible scenarios, strategies and initiatives through which the foreign language teachers will be able to identify all potential points of concern and influence for more effective learning experience. All participants were provided with materials and tools.

This open seminar gave the opportunity to Dr Patsala to share her expertise with the foreign language teachers from the country

This professional seminar marked the beginning of the collaboration between the University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College and ELTAM, which judging by the vast interest for participation, undoubtedly opens doors for a number of opportunities in future.


Professional Seminar: 'How to Achieve Excellence in the Foreign Language Classroom' offered by the English Studies Department of the University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College


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