Students from Sofia join fellow-students in Thessaloniki to work on CSR project
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Students from Sofia join fellow-students in Thessaloniki to work on CSR project

A group of undergraduate business students studying at the International Faculty, CITY College in Sofia, Bulgaria visited our main campus in Thessaloniki to attend joint classes with Thessaloniki students and work together on a challenging CSR project. The visit took place 26-28 March 2015.

Students from Sofia join fellow-students in Thessaloniki to work on CSR project

In the frame of the visit and within the assessment requirements of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) unit, 2nd level students were required to come up with a business idea that would have a clear social and/or environmental impact and to present it before a panel. Students worked on this project within groups of four. Furthermore each group was required to be a mixed group consisting of students studying in Sofia and Thessaloniki. The results were truly inspiring.

Students from Sofia join fellow-students in Thessaloniki to work on CSR project

Dr Dimitrios Nikolaidis, Head of the Business Administration & Economics Department commented: “I had the opportunity to be a part of and attend some of your classes and working sessions during last week’s Corporate Social Responsibility unit and I would like to commend you all for your high level of responsibility and engagement shown.  I also attended your presentations and I was impressed by your ideas; the passion I saw in your eyes and your willingness to change the region. 

For two full days you worked hard and cooperated smoothly with other students from other countries you met for the first time; you argued, agreed and disagreed, but at the end you synthesized, you produced a plan, and you expressed your thoughts in a nicely made visual presentation, as you will all do in the real corporate world in few years from today. Well done to all of you!”

Students from Sofia join fellow-students in Thessaloniki to work on CSR project

The visit of students from Bulgaria was a great opportunity to meet their fellow-students, exchange ideas and experiences, make new friendships and get a true feel of our Faculty’s international character.

Students from Sofia join fellow-students in Thessaloniki to work on CSR project

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