The 7th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (ICEIRD 2014)
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The 7th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (ICEIRD 2014)


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5-6 June 2014,
Hilton Hotel | Nicosia, Cyprus

Conference Theme: Igniting Regional Economies - Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in South East Europe

In the face of fragile economic recovery following the economic and financial crisis of 2008, many firms all around the world continue to invest in growth-enhancing activities to achieve a sustainable development. While the crisis has heavily hit all aspects of business vested interests, investments in innovation, entrepreneurship and regional partnership have been the key priority to ensuring a strong and stable economic growth.

The objective of the conference is to gather decision makers (government, ministries and state agencies), innovation experts (universities, research and development centres, technology transfer centres, start-up centres) and practitioners (smes, business incubators and business support organisations) to generate discussion and exchange on the potential of entrepreneurship promotion and innovation to national and regional competitiveness.


Creativity, Complexity and Competitiveness Issues for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in SEE vs. other regions (EU and other)

* Leveraging e-skills for innovation in the knowledge society
* Managing and Leveraging Complexity, Creativity and Innovation in SMEs
* Trust, Respect, Culture and Collaboration Issues for SMEs in SEE vs. other regions (EU and other)
* Leadership and Management practices that can be applied to SMEs
* SME Knowledge management and technology transfer
* SME Business process modeling
* New Technology Ventures Financing
* Business incubation management and leadership
* Human Resources Practices for promoting innovation for SMEs

South East European Entrepreneurial Innovation Clusters

* SMEs' Entrepreneurship as an Innovation Driver
* Opportunities and barriers for closer cooperation between South East European SMEs in Innovation & Entrepreneurship:

Strategic Integration vs. Flexibility and SME Competitiveness

* Innovation Clusters, Technology Transfer and Social Entrepreneurship
* Social Networking as Driver of EICs formation
* Science & Technology Parks and EICs
* Young and Women Entrepreneurs development via EICs
* Benchmarking of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Best Practices in the region
* Innovation policy in SMEs

Technology Innovation, Transfer and Commercialization across Governement, University, Industry domains

* The role of the State and Public Policy with regards to SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship
* Governmental and regional policies on entrepreneurship and innovation
* Entrepreneurial Universities and Entrepreneurial Innovation Clusters
* Entrepreneurship education
* University - Industry collaboration
* ICT and SME Regional competitiveness
* SMEs and the role of the Innovation Zone (business centers and incubators)
* Intangibles Valuation and Intellectual Property Rights
* Innovative Supply Chain Management practices in SEE
* Innovative Supply Chains
* Information Technology proliferation in SEE SMEs

ICEIRD 2014 invites submissions of papers related to all the topics of interest of the conference. Papers that address collaborations between industry and academia, case studies as well as experience reports on any of the conference themes are welcome. For more information on the conference topics, visit the ICEIRD 2014 webpage.

Call for papers.


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